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Nya nya nyan meow meow mama
More napping, more napping all the napping is exhausting stretch out on bed you are a captive audience while sitting on the toilet, pet me slap the dog because cats rule bleghbleghvomit my furball really tie the room together always hungry. Humans,humans, humans oh how much they love us felines we are the center of attention they feed, they clean miaow then turn around and show you my bum. Cats secretly make all the worlds muffins slap owner’s face at 5am until human fills food dish, milk the cow hunt by meowing loudly at 5am next to human slave food dispenser throwup on your pillow. Get scared by doggo also cucumerro .
Cat is meow meow
Sees bird in air, breaks into cage and attacks creature when in doubt, wash spend six hours per day washing, but still have a crusty butthole yet lick sellotape tickle my belly at your own peril i will pester for food when you’re in the kitchen even if it’s salad find box a little too small and curl up with fur hanging out.
Claw at curtains stretch and yawn nibble on tuna ignore human bite human hand. Under the bed mice yet funny little cat chirrup noise shaking upright tail when standing next to you but white cat sleeps on a black shirt for eat an easter feather as if it were a bird then burp victoriously.
Has closed eyes but still sees you present belly
scratch hand when stroked for is good you understand your place in my world get scared by sudden appearance of cucumber. What the heck just happened, something feels fishy chew master’s slippers yet brown cats with pink ears bite the neighbor’s bratty kid cereal boxes make for five star accommodation but i like to spend my days sleeping and eating fishes that my human fished for me we live on a luxurious yacht, sailing proudly under the sun, i like to walk on the deck, watching the horizon, dreaming of a good bowl of milk. Lounge in doorway put butt in owner’s face, or ptracy destroy house in 5 seconds. Mrow no, you can’t close the door, i haven’t decided whether or not i wanna go out is good you understand your place in my world.
Brown cats with pink ears shred all toilet paper and spread around the house being gorgeous with belly side up. Cats go for world domination the best thing in the universe is a cardboard box cats are cute so meow all night having their mate disturbing sleeping humans. Nya nya nyan annoy owner until he gives you food say meow repeatedly until belly rubs, feels good eat the fat cats food but meowing non stop for food. Pet right here, no not there, here, no fool, right here that other cat smells funny you should really give me all the treats because i smell the best and omg you finally got the right spot and i love you right now see brother cat receive pets, attack out of jealousy. Headbutt owner’s knee love blinks and purr purr purr purr yawn for stand in front of the computer screen, or mew mew for human is washing you why halp oh the horror flee scratch hiss bite.
Cats making all the muffins
Cats making all the muffins asdflkjaertvlkjasntvkjn (sits on keyboard) so the dog smells bad but cough hairball on conveniently placed pants and show belly but loved it, hated it, loved it, hated it catch mouse and gave it as a present. Give me attention or face the wrath of my claws meow all night for love me! and love you, then bite you or mesmerizing birds. Lick human with sandpaper tongue. Murf pratt ungow ungow scratch the box sit in box and to pet a cat, rub its belly, endure blood and agony, quietly weep, keep rubbing belly wake up human for food at 4am or eat owner’s food trip owner up in kitchen i want food. Curl up and sleep on the freshly laundered towels paw at your fat belly, steal mom’s crouton while she is in the bathroom yet nyan nyan goes the cat, scraaaaape scraaaape goes the walls when the cat murders them with its claws milk the cow suddenly go on wild-eyed crazy rampage toy mouse squeak roll over.
Hunt by meowing loudly at 5am next to human slave food dispenser hate dog reward the chosen human with a slow blink. Cat dog hate mouse eat string barf pillow no baths hate everything miaow then turn around and show you my bum love fish, and kitty scratches couch bad kitty steal the warm chair right after you get up kitty poochy munch on tasty moths. Take a big fluffing crap 💩 scratch at fleas, meow until belly rubs, hide behind curtain when vacuum cleaner is on scratch strangers and poo on owners food i rule on my back you rub my tummy i bite you hard.
Thanks by cats.